山田莉紗/Risa Yamada
ピアノ講師だった母親の影響で、小さい頃から音楽を始めた私が卒業文集で掲げた将来の夢は “音楽に関係する仕事!”でした。その言葉通りにこうして、子どもたちの成長のお手伝いができることをとても嬉しく思います。
子どもの耳の成長は著しく、聴く力は3歳ごろから急激に伸び始めると言われています。そのような時期に音楽と英語を同時に学ぶなんて、What a wonderful experience!だと思いませんか?
My mother was a piano teacher, and I started playing music when I was very young. When I was a child, my dream was to work in music industry. I am very happy to be able to help children grow in this way.
Learning music not only nurtures the brain through stimulation from the ears, but it also helps to nurture the heart. It is said that children’s ears grow remarkably and their ability to listen begins to grow rapidly around the age of three. Wouldn’t it be a wonderful experience to learn music and English at the same time at such a young age?
I can also help you compose and arrange your own music! My first piece of music was “Kaminari Daio”, which I wrote when I was in the first grade of elementary school, and I remember having a lot of fun composing it with the advice of my teacher at the time. I would like to help children compose music with their own unique voices.
I hope I can help nurture their sensitivity by creating opportunities for them to actively interact with various music and sounds from an early age when they are absorbing so many different things!
アメリカ・ニューヨーク市内にある市立大学 The City College Of New York にて音楽を専攻。2018年1月卒業、Bachelor of Arts を取得。2019年夏に帰国し、東京を中心に制作活動を行う。
After graduating from high school, Lisa moved to New York City by herself. She graduated from The City College Of New York in January 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and returned to Japan in the summer of 2019 to work in Tokyo.